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TabLogs lets users upload photos that can be included in  log reports easily.

Users will see tables consisting of:

  • Log Photos - Uploaded photos in the application.
  • Included in Log PDF - Included uploaded photos to the log pdf.

Log Photos

  • When uploading a photo, users need to click the "Add Photo" button.
  • A pop-up will be shown after selecting an image:

  • Users need to define the depth, latitude, longiture, and elevation if necessary.
  • Users can also input tags and captions to easily manage the photos if it starts piling up.
  • Users will see the photo uploaded to the table and an action button in the table once photo is added.

Included in Log PDF
  • User will be able to add the photo to the log pdf by clicking "Add to PDF".
  • A popup will appear once clicked

  • Once "Save Image" is clicked, the photo will be on the "Included in Log PDF" table and will reflect on the log pdf itself.