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Log Report Template Builder

Build your custom Bore and Core hole reports using TabLogs template builder. 

TabLogs Log Report building tool uses Templates to manage logs. You can create and save your templates, then apply them automatically across your logs.

TabLogs offers you to either customise this log, or build a template library, below we will go into the details of both options and how you then build your templates

Customise This Log  

  • This feature allows users to custom templates or update log.
  • Configuration Guidelines
  • To start simply > turn on toggle keys for the column Name you wanted to display.
  • Turn off toggle keys > this will hide the Column Name.

Manage Templates features: This feature allows users to add, edit, delete, and set default templates.

  • Add template 
    •   Allows users to enter a unique name for the template they are creating can be (text, numeric) once done simply click Add new Template.
  •  Edit template
    • Allows user to modify the selected template within the dropdown, once done simply click Add new Template.
  • Delete template
    • This will totally delete the template selected by the user once click there will be a pop-up message verifying if user wanted to delete it.
  • Default template
    • Allows user to select their default template which will have a dropdown list to select from.
  • Update/Create New Template
    • Users can select existing templates to update or choose an option to create a new template. User should click update after modifying templates

Building Your Template

TabLogs has two types of columns: 'Configurable' and 'Pre-configured Columns.' For highly specific datasets such as well logs or defects, we build pre-configured columns. For everything else, use our configurable column builder to design exactly as you need.

TabLogs offers multiple different column types for presenting your data, all of which have some shared features which we'll go through first.

Choose your Column Width (%)
  • Allows users to set/adjust column width as percentage and displays the remaining percentage of the page.
  • Configuration Guidelines: Simply slide it to the left to decrease width or slide it to the right to increase width.


  • Vertical Head
    • Display column names vertically instead of horizontally. Can be applied to Parent Column Name and Child Column.
  • Column text format
    • This feature will adjust the header text format applicable to parent and child column. Allowing you to change Font Style, Font Size, Bold Text, Italic Text, Text Alignment.

Text Format

  • This in for editing the format of text of the results appearing inside the columns, including how the text is justified relative to the depth of the sample, test or observation.

Display Types of Columns Available in TabLogs

TabLogs offers a variety of different display types for data, each display type will change how the editor appears, it will also limit the results that are available.

Text Column

TabLogs text columns have predefined strings for different options you will see in the drop down.
TabLogs is currently transitioning away from predefined text to String Builders, which you will see for certain data types. These allow users to select data from the Database and present how they like in a string.

    Along with the strings to select from, the builder allows you to enter free text. Combine items from the drop down with free text to build your string. See an example below: 

     Graphic Column

    Graphics allows you to display the assigned graphic from your settings menu for different items such as: Tests, Samples, Soil Types, Water Observations and more.

    1. Select Data and filter data: Simply select data using dropdown and next filter types of tests to present.
    2. Empty graphic if not sampled: If no data is present or added by the user this will hide symbol and label for that column. Simply turn on toggle key to enable it. See sample photo below:

    Text + Graphic Column

    This feature display testing type and testing graphic. Selecting and filtering data it is similar to Text Column.

    • Text alignment: allow users to choose text alignment either in string or numerical form.

    Scale Column

    TabLogs support multiple types of scale columns, these are a configurable column type. You can have as many scales as you like. All scales can be set to imperial or metric regardless of the units applied in Log Configurations

    • Depth

    • Elevation

      • NOTE: Elevation markers will not show up if there is no elevation for the log, it will appear as blank. Elevation is configured in the Log Details Tab.
    • Elevation/Depth

    Depth Markers:

    After choosing your column type you can choose what triggers you would like to show data inside the column: 
    There are multiple marker logics, these can be multiselected:

    • Subsurface Origin
      • This will set the depth markers as per soil origin.
      • This is sample photo setting Depth Markers to subsurface origin. Subsurface Origin presents markers with same soil origin. The markers are placed at the depth corresponding to the last layer per soil origin.

    • Subsurface Type
      • This will set the depth markers to all layers in the Subsurface.
      •  This is sample photo setting Depth Markers to subsurface type. Subsurface Type presents markers to all layers see the sample photo below.

    • Depth Scale
      • This will set the scale label which also present the major and minor spacing count
      • Major: The label which includes the number e.g. 1 m
      • Minor: The smaller ticks between the Major ticks.
    • Depth Markers Demo:


    Photo Column

    Photo column allows you to display photo or image inside a log report.

      1. To start > Turn on toggle keys for column name Photo.
      2. Go to Tab name > Photo > Add photo > Upload/Select photo.
      3. Complete this Data below and once done Save image.
      4. Don’t forget to click Update Log.

    Chart Types

    TabLogs charts allows a user to graph numerical information from a log in their log reports in a configurable column.

    This column only shows chartable tests. This feature allows the user to set up various types of charts including:

    1. Bar Graph Chart
    2. Scatter Line Chart
    3. Line Chart
    4. Mean Chart
    5. Area Chart

    Chart Headers

    TabLogs allows you to add as many axis as you like in the one column, using the + and - symbols. Additionally you can add additional charts to a single axis via multi selecting the data you wish to graph.

    Layer: This will set the position of the Data Name dropdown will show Top, Middle, Bottom.

    Setting your Axis

    • Axis options Bounds: This feature defines the numerical minimum and maximum values that set the range of an axis on a chart or graph.
    • Strike Intervals: This feature defines the spacing between minor and major intervals on a chart axis.

    TabLogs Default Columns Features

    Well Diagrams 

    • TabLogs has a dedicated column built around Well Diagrams. You can use the sliders to decide the % width of the column of different components including:
      • Well
        • The well % will be applied regardless of the number of wells. The number of wells the number of gaps will all be evenly spaced. Eg if 2 Wells you will have the Wells and the gap in the middle with 1/3 of the Well Width % each
      • Surface Casing Backfill
      • Surface Casing Graphic
      • Regular Casing Backfill
        • If there is no casing, this is the backfill width that will be applied
      • Regular Casing
    • You can also add Water Symbols into the Well Diagram Column