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Lab Tests

TabLogs lets users list the lab results or findings in the Logs 

Users may add lab tests by clicking the "Add Lab Test" button and specifying the type of lab test the user wants to list.

There are 3 types of default Lab Test in TabLogs which are:

  • Particle Size Distribution
  • Atterberg Limits
  • Custom Tests

Users may choose between the table sets or just upload a csv/xlss file to pre-fill the columns.

Users can also create custom lab test type if the default doesn't suit them. Either by:

  1. From inside a log, click lab tests, add lab test then click the cog or:
  2. From inside Laboratory Results, on the drop down to select lab test it will appear at the top.
When creating a lab test users can choose to have them visible in the log reports via the toggle "Add as selectable data to plot borelogs" 


Users can easily edit their custom lab test type or delete it by right clicking the specific type.