Log Configurations - Old Web App
Allows a workflow, template, header and footer to be quickly applied Inside of settings you can create a log configurations, when creating a log this allows you to quickly apply all of your settings, including workflows, headers and footers and templates. A configuration can only have a single workflow mapped to it. To build out custom workflows reach out via the chatbot and we can help, we've got a workflow builder coming soon. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/76f897Few readersOrigin Graphics Configuration
TabLogs lets users edit the color and the graphic while choosing an origin on the subsurface profile. Users will be able to edit the color and graphic of the origin while field logging. e.g: Editing the default rock origin. By default, the apply color and graphic is turned off due to the fact that the logs follow what is applied on the log settings. However, usersFew readersLaboratory Scheduling
TabLogs lets users save laboratory scheduling efficiently TabLogs automatically prefills the necessary information needed for lab scheduling with the information you provide through the desktop application. Users must input the Contamination, Storage and Completion information if available. Users are responsible for the Chain of Custody report. Users can create multiple requests for different logs in a specific project. Users can edit retention information strictly with integer onlyFew readersSubsurfaces
TabLogs has a set of dynamic workflows to help you create your subsurface data in logs Once users access the subsurface contents in the logging page, a side panel will appear for the user to select on. Origin: Fill, Natural, Alluvial, Residual, Rock, Non-Soil, origin, original If rock is selected, rock type selection will appear. Rock types: Sandstone, Siltstone, Phyllite, Basalt, Greywacke, Argillite, Concrete, Breccia, Chert, Coal, Conglomerate, Gneiss, Granite, RhyoliteFew readers