What device should I use?
TabLogs supports multiple devices so you can log int he field using whatever device your prefer! Users may use Android devices such as a Tablet and Smartphone. Users may download it via the Google Play Store by clicking this link. Users may use IOS/Apple devices such as Macs, iPads, and iPhones Users may download it via the appstore by clicking this link (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tablogs/id6467595Few readersWhat is TabLogs?
Welcome to Tablogs! TabLogs LinkedIn header-1 TabLogs was founded by a Geotechnical Engineer who realized the need for an intuitive software solution that both drillers and engineers can use to bridge the gap between onsite data collection and finished report-ready borehole logs, site plans and sample registers. We started TabLogs to change the game for the geotechnical engineeFew readersCan user edit header and footer templates?
No, Headers and footers are done by our team once you sign in with Tablogs. Our team customise headers, footers and templates once requested.Few readers