Subsurfaces: Workflow Builder
To Access the Subsurface workflow builder, go to Settings -> Log Configurations -> Select your log configuration -> Subsurface -> Edit Workflows
Note while this feature is in beta, it isn't turned on by default, reach out in the chat to have it activated for your account.
The workflow builder allows you to customise your Subsurface workflows by:
Adding / removing steps
Altering options for steps in a workflow
Changing when a step will appear
Altering options allowed to be chosen based on other conditions, eg block users creating Gravelly Gravel
Each step has a number of different items you can configure, note you cannot change a step name once created at this time, as it has carry on effects to your Descriptions and Classification Codes, you'd need to create an entirely new step.
Text: Single line text box allowing any characters
Number: Input field restricted to only numbers, using . as a decimal
Date: Input field restricted to dates
Options: this will provide you your list of options in boxes, they're also searchable
Can choose if multiple options are allowed
Can link to a Managed Option Set (these are controlled via Subsurface Module for options that need additional functionality such as graphics)
Option Abbreviation allows you to create a text string that can be used in your descriptions
Option Conditions allow you to build rules at the individual option level to hide the selection based on a step above in your workflow
Checkbox: True / False tick box
Slider: A numerical slider up to 100
Slider Group: a group of sliders whose total cannot exceed 100
Colour Picker: allows the user to select colours and build a text string out of them
Note: a multi line text box
By default all steps are shown and enabled for users in the workflow. Once you set a steps setting that will then override the default showing of a step logic.
Each step has four options to control it's rules:
Show: shows the step in the workflow for users to enter data, this is the most common item used in the workflow. You can for example set Soil Type to show if Origin is Soil. This will override the default show condition, resulting in the step no longer visible for rocks.
Hide: hides the step from the workflow if the condition is true. This can be used in conjunction with show to provide a more tailored workflows for example you may want to show the soil moisture if soil type is clay, but you may want to hide if based on a specific description of clay, e.g moisture
Enable: this allows a user to select the fields in the workflow
Disable: this will be used for As Above, if disabled it will take the data from the above subsurface and lock it so users cannot edit the data
Certain items in Subsurface are managed in a dedicated section outside the workflow builder. This includes the ability to manage colours, origins, rock types, finishing reasons (termination reasons).
See the below video for how to manage colours inside of TabLogs:
Note while this feature is in beta, it isn't turned on by default, reach out in the chat to have it activated for your account.
The workflow builder allows you to customise your Subsurface workflows by:
Adding / removing steps
Altering options for steps in a workflow
Changing when a step will appear
Altering options allowed to be chosen based on other conditions, eg block users creating Gravelly Gravel
Each step has a number of different items you can configure, note you cannot change a step name once created at this time, as it has carry on effects to your Descriptions and Classification Codes, you'd need to create an entirely new step.
Step Types:
Text: Single line text box allowing any characters
Number: Input field restricted to only numbers, using . as a decimal
Date: Input field restricted to dates
Options: this will provide you your list of options in boxes, they're also searchable
Can choose if multiple options are allowed
Can link to a Managed Option Set (these are controlled via Subsurface Module for options that need additional functionality such as graphics)
Option Abbreviation allows you to create a text string that can be used in your descriptions
Option Conditions allow you to build rules at the individual option level to hide the selection based on a step above in your workflow
Checkbox: True / False tick box
Slider: A numerical slider up to 100
Slider Group: a group of sliders whose total cannot exceed 100
Colour Picker: allows the user to select colours and build a text string out of them
Note: a multi line text box
Step Rules:
By default all steps are shown and enabled for users in the workflow. Once you set a steps setting that will then override the default showing of a step logic.
Each step has four options to control it's rules:
Show: shows the step in the workflow for users to enter data, this is the most common item used in the workflow. You can for example set Soil Type to show if Origin is Soil. This will override the default show condition, resulting in the step no longer visible for rocks.
Hide: hides the step from the workflow if the condition is true. This can be used in conjunction with show to provide a more tailored workflows for example you may want to show the soil moisture if soil type is clay, but you may want to hide if based on a specific description of clay, e.g moisture
Enable: this allows a user to select the fields in the workflow
Disable: this will be used for As Above, if disabled it will take the data from the above subsurface and lock it so users cannot edit the data
Manage Type Menu's
Certain items in Subsurface are managed in a dedicated section outside the workflow builder. This includes the ability to manage colours, origins, rock types, finishing reasons (termination reasons).
See the below video for how to manage colours inside of TabLogs:
Updated on: 16/01/2025
Thank you!