In-Situ Tests (Mobile App)
TabLogs lets users document the logged testing result in our application
TabLogs has a lot of options when it comes to tests on mobile application via IOS or Android.
DCP - Users can select a measurement interval in the dropdown menu for DCP testing results.
When the interval is changed when there is data beforehand, the previous DCP results will be overwritten and deleted.
Users may change the units in log settings and heading to the measurement system. Metric for (m) Imperial for (In)
SPT - Users can select an interval based on the SPT result.
Testing hammer type is automatically selected with 63.5kg weight by default.
Users may create new hammer type if necessary.
Users are required to input the depth, recovery, and n-value.
Users can check if SPT sampled is needed.
Users may add a custom hammer type then name it.
PP - Users can input the depth and PP reading for PP testing result.
UCS - Users can input the depth and UCS reading for UCS testing result.
PSP - Users can input the blow count for PSP testing result.
TabLogs by default gives the depth from and depth to.
ASS - Acid sulfate testing samples will automatically be shown here once logged in the Samples tab.
CPT - Users may be able to download a template on CPT testing results tab.
Once downloaded, users may input multiple data that can be reuploaded back to the site.
Once reuploaded, the testing result will be reflected on the application.
Users may also directly upload their CPT testing results using .csv and .xlsx file format
DPSH - Users can select a measurement interval in the dropdown menu for DPSH testing result.
When the interval is changed when there is data beforehand, the previous DPSH results will be overwritten and deleted.
Users may change the units on log settings and heading to measurement system. Metric for (m) Imperial for (In)
SV - Users need to input the depth, peak, and residual for SV Testing Results
PID - Users need to input depth and PPM for PID testing results.
Updated on: 28/11/2024
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