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Core Log (Mobile App)

TabLogs allows users to log core specific information via the Core Log tab.

The logic to trigger a core log report is based on the drilling method.

To ensure your core logging data correctly displays in the Log Report, ensure you add the drilling method for each depth interval in the Logged Drillings tab.

Accessing Core Logs will display to you a table of all your core logs.

e.g. Core Defects:

e.g. RQD / TCR Runs:

Here you can select between the two core logging types, these being Core Defects and RQD/TCR.

Core Defects - Users must select the defect type. TabLogs will provides a menu of the most commonly used defect types. These include:
Core Loss - Once Core Loss is selected, you cannot select another defect type.
Core Loss requires Depth and Bounds minimum and maximum.
Users may add photos for reference.
Sheared, Sheared Zone, Sheared Seam, Crushed Seam, Infilled, Seam, Ex Weathered Seam, Parting, Joint, Joint Set - If one of these defects is selected, you may select more defect types.
These defects require Depth, Defect orientation, and Bounds on defect minimum and maximum
Surface Shape: Planar, Curved, Undulating, Stepped, Irregular.
Surface Roughness: Very Rough, Rough, Smooth, Polished, Slickensided.
Defect Coatings: Clean, Stained, Veneer, Coating.
Defect Openness: Open, Closed, Infilled.
Defect Spacing:
Users may also input the Defect Spacing Override
TabLogs auto-calculate defect spacing based on the defects that are logged. Eg, if a defect is logged at 1m and another at 2m then the defect spacing on TabLogs auto populates to 1m on the defect spacing graph.
Users may add photos for reference.

NOTE: User can also create new defect types if necessary.

RQD/TCR - Users can use the calculator feature here within TabLogs to determine the RQD/TCR results efficiently.

Users may select the run numbers at the top.
Users are required to input the depth information
RQD will pop up a calculator to help with the calculation. RQD percentage will be calculated automatically

Once Length of Core Loss is filled in TCR, the core recovery and TCR percentage will be filled automatically.
Users may photos for reference.

Updated on: 28/11/2024

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