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Log Reports (Custom View Settings )

Create your custom Log Reports using TabLogs Log Reports Customization Features.

Configuring custom view settings for log reports in Tablogs allows you to modify your reports to meet specific needs and preferences. By adjusting various settings, you can enhance data presentation, improve readability, and ensure that your reports convey the necessary information effectively. This article will guide you through the process of customizing your log report views, including modifying column orders, names, types, and other display settings.

How to Access the Feature

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Create a new project and complete the required information.
  3. Click "Create Log."
  4. Preview the newly generated Log PDF on the right side.
  5. Click the arrow to expand additional settings and configure the log report.

Open Custom

When you click the "Customise This Log" button, the screen will display two sections: the Column Configuration section and Column Customisation section. In the Column Configuration section, you can manage and configure the columns by toggling them on or off and adjusting their order. The Column Customisation Section allows you to adjust settings for each individual column.

Log Report Column

Update and Delete

After making changes, be sure to click on "Update Log" to save your modifications, or they will be lost. You can delete a column using the delete button, but this option is only available for custom-added columns, not default columns. For default columns, you can toggle them on or off to display or hide them, but deletion is not possible.

Update Log and Not Update

Update Log New Column can be deleted

Column Configuration section : Modifying Column Order, Add New Column and Add Child Column

  1. Column Order and Visibility
    Description: Rearrange the order of columns in your log reports to prioritize the most important data or where its located. 
    How to Modify: Access the column by  using this button Ξ to reorder them according to your preference.

    In the image below, columns with the toggle switched on are displayed in the log report, while those with the toggle switched off are hidden.
    The order of columns from top to bottom determines their arrangement from left to right in the report. To position a column on the left, simply drag it to the top.
    Log Report Drag Column

  2. Adding New Columns
    Description: Add new columns to capture additional data points or provide more detailed insights.
    How to Add: In the Log Format, navigate to the Column Configuration section. At the bottom of the page, click "Add" to create a new column. 
    Add Configurable coloumn
  3. Add Child Column
    Some default columns can contain multiple data entries. For example, the Sample column allows you to click the "+" sign to add child columns, each representing a specific sample.
    Custom columns will always have the option to add child columns, as shown and this child column can be deleted. The picture below shows the newly added child column as displayed in the log report.
    Child Coloumn Added
    Add Child configurable coloumn

    If you receive the error message "Please select data for your New Column" while updating a column, especially a newly added child or new column, it means that required data for the selected column has not been entered. Please return to the edit log, add the necessary data in the relevant tabs (e.g., DCP test), and then you can add and display the column again.
    Error Please Select Data

Column Customisation : Adjusting Column Name, Type, Width, Text Format and Display Type

  1. Customizing Columns Name and Column Type
    To change the column name, type in the "Column Name" field, and the name will update accordingly. All columns can be renamed to be more specific.

  2. Column Type
    The column type can be changed for custom and configurable columns, but not for default columns. For configurable columns, selecting a the option available will automatically change the column name accordingly. You can still edit the name after that, but note that changing the column type will affect the column name.
    Log Name
  3. Column Width
    The column width is adjusted using the slider in the image below. You can also view the percentage of the page space remaining. For example, when many columns are hidden, the page might show 50% of the space left. Conversely, as more columns are added and the page fills up, the remaining space will decrease. Column width is relative to the available page space.
    Log Column
  4. Text Format

    Description: Define how text is displayed within each column, including font size, style, and color.
    How to Modify: Access the text formatting options in the Log Report Builder. Apply changes to ensure text is clear and easily readable.
    Log text format
  5. Display Type

    Description: Choose how data is visually represented in the report, such as tables, lists, or grids.
    How to Modify: Select the desired display type from the available options and preview changes to confirm they meet your requirements.
    Description: Incorporate various elements into your log reports to provide comprehensive data representation.
    1. Text
      Text: Add explanatory text or labels to provide context.
    2. Graphics
      Graphics: Include visual elements like icons or diagrams.
      Log Graphic
    3. Scale
      Scale: Add scales to indicate measurement ranges or proportions.
    4. Photos
      Photos: Insert photos to enhance visual understanding of the data.
    5. Charts
      Charts: Integrate charts to represent data trends and comparisons.
      note : For XY Scatter graphs, plot each point at the midpoint between the two depths. For example, if your first point is at 0 and the second point is at 0.1, plot the point at 0.05.

      Log Chart

    Configuring custom view settings for log reports in Tablogs enables you to create tailored reports that meet your specific needs. Utilize the customization options to include text, graphics, scales, photos, and charts, and add new columns as necessary to capture all relevant data. Start now to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your reports.