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Configuring Clients

TabLogs lets you view, add and edit the company client that you complete projects for.

Main Menu: Users can easily modify the client base in the website

  • Clients
    • Provides users with access to view and edit client information for their projects.
  • Add new client
    • This button opens up a section on the left where you can add the new client to access your project.
  • Action
    • User can edit the client's information by hovering on the pencil icon on the actions, and also delete them by clicking the trash bin icon.
  • Records per page
    • Users can make the list view shorter by clicking this dropdown and selecting the number of data points you want to see load.
  • Status
    • If the client is inactive, the user can click on the status to make it inactive, and make it active by clicking it again.

Once the client has been set, the client can now can configure and contribute to the project using their own identity. This will increase efficiency when it comes to tracking and monitoring.